Thursday, December 7, 2006

James Kim

I am sure most of you have heard the news reports in the last few days about the father that left his family in a stranded car to go get help in the mountains of Oregon. If you haven't heard the story here's the link

When Pam told me about this story in passing, I really didn't pay much attention to it. Then once they found that the Father had died and began publishing his name more heavily, I was shocked to realize I knew who he was.. James Kim. James was on the cable channel Techtv a few years back. I used to watch him all the time and even learned a lot from him on screen. After Techtv went off the air James worked at as an editor. I found myself taking advice from him again in the form of articles and podcasts. He was definitely a Geek's Geek.

Leo Laporte worked with James at Techtv. Leo now does the TWiT(this week in tech) Podcast. Check out Leo's blog if you have the time, I think he did a nice job.

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