Thursday, November 30, 2006

What's in a name?

If I had a dollar for everytime someone thought that was some sort of porn site, we could get lifetime web hosting for the domain. So what does it mean? If you try to look it up it's not on Wikipedia or Google for that matter. A Sensory Tickle is a term WDI (Walt Disney Imagineering) uses to explain the enviromental changes moving from one of their themed areas to another. This is mostly used in their themeparks, but can be found in shopping areas and restaurants as well. This can be a change in area music, added roughness to a concrete walkway, pretty much anything that alerts your attention that you are entering something different. With that being said, The Sensory Tickler seemed like a Blog name too good to pass up. If you don't know what a tickler file is click --->

I'm not sure what this Blog will consist of just yet. We will try to make it halfway interesting and try to keep the content fresh. Until next time.